Breaking News: Missouri Linebacker Ty’Ron Hopper as just selected NFL 2024 Draft by Green Bay Packers

It seems like Hopper’s selection in the draft adds to the impressive roster of Tigers making their mark in the NFL. With Darius Robinson and Ennis Rakestraw Jr. already making their way into the league, Hopper joins them in representing Mizzou at the professional level. It’s also noteworthy that Hopper is now the only player from Missouri in the Green Bay Packers’ lineup. It must be quite a proud moment for both Hopper and the Mizzou community to see their talent recognized on such a big stage.








Hopper’s performance on the field certainly speaks volumes about his talent and dedication to the game. Leading Mizzou in tackles is no small feat, especially considering his impressive stats despite the setback of the injury sidelining him for some crucial games. His contributions as a Butkus Award finalist highlight his skill as a linebacker, and his ability to disrupt opposing offenses with tackles for loss and sacks shows his versatility and impact on the game. With such a strong track record, it’s no surprise that he’s caught the attention of NFL scouts and earned his spot in the draft.

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