Sad News: Provocative comment that lead to Caitlin Clark Match Ban on her…..

Jason Riley’s provocative column, “Is the WNBA Afraid of Caitlin Clark?” (Upward Mobility, June 12), merits significant attention for its critique of how progressive ideologies have undermined our society. Riley argues that rather than exemplifying the ideal of equal opportunity, which naturally results in varied outcomes, professional women’s basketball has instead showcased tribal animosity and, at best, injustice. This approach, according to Riley, reflects a broader trend of self-abasement within our culture.


The piece highlights how this mindset extends beyond sports, permeating various sectors of American society, including universities, the military, business, and entertainment. Riley suggests that this pervasive attitude is eroding our nation’s ability to act in its own interest or for the collective good. In essence, he contends that the adherence to “woke” principles is leading to a decline in meritocracy and fairness, ultimately compromising the efficiency and ethical standards of these institutions.


Riley’s column serves as a wake-up call, urging readers to recognize the detrimental effects of prioritizing ideological conformity over genuine equality of opportunity. By drawing attention to the situation in the WNBA, Riley sheds light on a microcosm of a larger societal issue, prompting a reconsideration of how progressive dogmas are influencing various facets of American life. His critique challenges the reader to reflect on the importance of maintaining a balance between striving for equality and acknowledging the natural diversity of outcomes that come from a merit-based system.

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