Sad News: Thompson has announce is departure to sign-trade with……….

Klay Thompson appears poised to leave the Golden State Warriors this offseason, having reportedly agreed to a three-year deal with the Dallas Mavericks via a sign-and-trade. While this move has not yet been officially confirmed, it signals the end of the iconic “Splash Brothers” era in the Bay Area—a scenario Stephen Curry once believed he’d never face.

The news of Thompson’s potential departure has rekindled old comments from Curry regarding the possibility of playing without his longtime teammates Draymond Green and Thompson. Following the Warriors’ elimination in the play-in tournament in April, Curry expressed that he couldn’t imagine playing without Green and Thompson. “I could never see myself not with those two guys,” Curry remarked. “I understand this league changes and there’s so many things that go into it, and we’re not going to play forever. But, we’ve experienced so much together. At the end of the day, I know they want to win, I know I want to win. That’s all I’m worried about.”

All three players have spent their entire NBA careers with Golden State. Curry, now 36, has been with the team since 2009. Thompson joined in 2011, followed by Green, who was drafted in the second round in 2012. If Thompson’s move to Dallas becomes official, it will mark the dissolution of this historic trio—a change that will undoubtedly take some time for fans and the team to adjust to.

This potential breakup underscores the ever-changing nature of the NBA, where even the most storied partnerships eventually come to an end. The departure of Thompson will mark a significant shift for the Warriors, who have seen remarkable success and numerous championships with these three stars at the core of their lineup.

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