The event was heavily impacted by rain, resulting in numerous incidents and prolonged interruptions with over twenty Full Course Yellows. Despite these challenges, several Ferrari cars from the Prancing Horse manufacturer remained competitive, vying for top positions both overall and within their respective classes throughout the night. As conditions improved on Sunday morning, teams were able to transition to slick tires, which allowed them to sustain their leading positions.


The relentless rain caused a chaotic and unpredictable race, demanding strategic adjustments and heightened focus from all participating teams. The Ferrari crews, demonstrating resilience and skill, navigated the treacherous conditions effectively, ensuring they stayed in the hunt for top honors. Their ability to adapt to the evolving weather and track conditions was crucial in maintaining their competitive edge.


As the rain subsided and the track began to dry, the opportunity to switch to slick tires provided a significant advantage. This change in tire strategy was pivotal, enabling the Ferrari teams to optimize their performance and secure their positions at the front of the field. The transition to better weather and improved track conditions marked a turning point in the race, allowing the teams to fully leverage their cars’ capabilities and strategic planning.


In summary, the event was marked by severe weather challenges that led to numerous full course yellows and incidents. However, the Ferrari teams showcased exceptional perseverance and strategic acumen, enabling them to remain in contention for top spots. The improved weather conditions on Sunday morning allowed for a crucial switch to slick tires, which was instrumental in maintaining their positions at the forefront of the competition.

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