World Standings Beware: Stetson Wright is Back. .

Eight-time World Champion Stetson Wright is getting close to making his comeback in the rodeo arena, but his mother, Sharee, says he’s not quite ready yet.


“He wants to return at 100%, and he doesn’t feel like he’s there just yet,” Sharee explained. “He’s really disappointed and eager to get back out there. He will definitely keep everyone updated when that time comes.”


Wright had to withdraw from the NFR in Round 2 and underwent surgery on December 20 to address injuries to his hamstring and hip.


Following the surgery, Wright was bedridden for six weeks, followed by twelve weeks of using a cane for mobility.


In an interview with, Wright mentioned that he is working on breaking up scar tissue and regaining his full range of motion.


“I’ve ridden a bull and a horse. Everything is looking positive at this point,” Wright said on June 21. “We’re aiming for a return in about a week or two.”

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