Tragic News: How Wink Martindale ended up at….

Three years prior, it was considered quite a feat for Michigan football to secure the services of Mike Macdonald, a rising NFL assistant, to transition to the collegiate level, despite some skepticism among Wolverines fans. Little did anyone anticipate back then that the individual overseeing Macdonald and leading the Baltimore Ravens defense would eventually make his way to Ann Arbor to succeed both Macdonald and his other protege, Jesse Minter.


Following Jim Harbaugh’s departure from Ann Arbor for the NFL, Sherrone Moore successfully persuaded longtime professional-level defensive coordinator Wink Martindale, affectionately known as ‘the O.G.’ of the defense, to return to college. How did this unexpected move come about? Despite Martindale being a sought-after figure, the allure of the Michigan position was compelling enough that he didn’t explore other options.


The chain of events began with a prominent ESPN personality reaching out to Martindale, inquiring about his interest in the role. Martindale elaborated on this to Jake Butt during a Champions Circle subscriber podcast, attributing the opportunity to Adam Schefter’s initial phone call. Martindale expressed admiration for Moore’s passion not just for Michigan, but more importantly, for the players’ well-being. Their extensive discussions, spanning multiple hours, during Martindale’s time in Sarasota, Florida, solidified his conviction that Moore was the right fit.


Martindale was initially puzzled by the prospect of transitioning from the NFL to college football, but the players and their dedication in Ann Arbor ultimately convinced him. He noted the exceptional work ethic and personal responsibility exhibited by Michigan’s players, surpassing what he had observed in the NFL. Martindale’s admiration for the players’ love for the game and their proactive approach to improvement underscored his decision to join the collegiate ranks.

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