Fresh UPDATE: Ricciardo his rejoining the Red Bull family. Competing primarily against his teammate……

Daniel Ricciardo has faced challenges during the 2024 F1 season, his first full season back on the grid after rejoining the Red Bull family. Competing primarily against his teammate Yuki Tsunoda at Red Bull’s second team, Ricciardo has struggled leading up to the Canadian Grand Prix—a race filled with significant implications for his future.


Before the Canadian GP, Red Bull announced a new two-year contract for Sergio Perez, effectively closing the door on Ricciardo’s hopes for a return to the main team. Additionally, during the race weekend, RB confirmed Tsunoda for the 2025 season, further complicating Ricciardo’s prospects.


Ricciardo also engaged in a public dispute with 1997 World Champion Jacques Villeneuve, who criticized Ricciardo and suggested he should “go home.” Ricciardo responded strongly, leading to a tense back-and-forth exchange.


Martin Brundle weighed in on the situation in his Sky Sports column, expressing respect for both drivers. Brundle noted that Ricciardo “never seemed to be quite the same driver again” after leaving Red Bull in 2018, a decision he described as “flawed.” Brundle believed Ricciardo would have been better off staying and competing with rising star Max Verstappen.


Brundle acknowledged Ricciardo’s impressive achievements, including eight Grand Prix wins, a notable victory in Monaco, and 32 podium finishes, highlighting his world-class talent. However, he lamented that these successes were in the past, wishing Ricciardo had not left Red Bull in 2018.

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