Breaking News: Ricciardo secured a new two-year contract with the team……

Daniel Ricciardo responded forcefully both on and off the track, admitting to the media after Sunday’s race that he had been competing with “a bit of a chip on my shoulder” and some anger. Reflecting on his performance, he remarked, “It’s the first weekend I’ve gone well from start to finish. It’s nice just to be competitive from Friday through to Sunday. And a race like this is so mentally draining, you can’t expect to do a perfect race under these conditions.”


Ricciardo expressed satisfaction with his ability to achieve a good result despite several challenges, emphasizing the importance of maintaining his momentum. He noted, “That little energy, probably a little bit of a chip on my shoulder I brought into the weekend, I gotta make sure that stays there and keep that level of intensity. Sometimes, I don’t know if it’s a bit of anger or just getting my testosterone up, but I think it helps me.”


His determination may also stem from the knowledge that he won’t be moving up to Red Bull next season, as Sergio Perez secured a new two-year contract with the team. This news likely contributed to his competitive edge. The Canadian Grand Prix marked Ricciardo’s best qualifying performance and race result of the season. He hopes this race will be a turning point in his bid to retain his RB seat for the 2025 season.


“There is certainly some hope that it is,” Ricciardo said. “I’ve got to repeat it and back it up to prove it. But I’m happy with some things I’ve acknowledged since Monaco and I feel it’s no coincidence this weekend went smoother. It’s about making sure I keep tapping into that energy, holding myself accountable, and not getting too relaxed. I need to keep that edge about me.”

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