Breaking: Jayden Okunbor announce his departure from Canterbury to join…..Read more

Jayden Okunbor, formerly of the Canterbury Bulldogs in the NRL, has embarked on a new chapter in his career with a temporary move to a different team. After signing with the Super League outfit Hull FC at the start of the season, Okunbor has now been confirmed to join the Bradford Bulls in the RFL Championships on a short-term loan.


Prior to his overseas venture, Okunbor, who began his rugby journey with the Milpera Colts, amassed 45 appearances for the Canterbury Bulldogs. He made his debut in Round 3 of the 2019 season against the Wests Tigers, with 17 of those appearances occurring in the last season.


Bradford Bulls boss Eamon O’Carroll expressed satisfaction with the acquisition of Okunbor, emphasizing the value of his experience. O’Carroll stated, “We are pleased to be able to bring in someone with the experience of Jayden.” He highlighted Okunbor’s desire to excel in a competitive rugby environment and expressed confidence in the club’s ability to facilitate his return to top form.


Recognizing Okunbor’s skill set and potential contribution to the team, O’Carroll emphasized the positive impact the player would have, particularly in the outside backs position. He also extended gratitude to Richie Myler and Simon Grix for their assistance in facilitating Okunbor’s move to the Bradford Bulls.


Overall, Okunbor’s transition to the Bradford Bulls represents a strategic move aimed at revitalizing his career and making a meaningful impact within the club’s competitive framework, underscoring the significance of opportunities for growth and development in professional sports.

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