Fresh UPDATE: 3-time major winner has 3 tips — for ‘people who strike the ball badly’

According to a three-time major winner, golf shouldn’t feel like an alien activity. However, when various body parts such as the arms, legs, head, and feet come into play, the game might seem as foreign as something from another planet. Despite this, Harrington empathizes with golfers struggling with the complexities of the sport. His insights were shared in response to a common question: What advice would you offer to someone aiming to enhance their golf game?


During a recent episode of “The Rough Cut Golf Podcast,” Harrington offered a two-part response, catering to both proficient players and those grappling with poor ball striking. For the former group, his advice centered on committing to a consistent routine. He stressed the importance of focusing solely on one aspect, whether it be the target or the takeaway, before executing the shot. Harrington emphasized the need to make a decision and adhere to it without second-guessing, whether it’s regarding the speed of the putt or the break of the green.


As for golfers who struggle with ball striking, Harrington provided three key thoughts.

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