ESPN REPORT: Raiders Head coach signs divorce with his wife due to….

The only thing that is known about Layla Kiffin is that she was previously married to Lane Kiffin, who is currently the coach of the Ole Miss Rebels football team, which plays in the Southeastern Conference’s West Division and represents the University of Mississippi.


After a brief stint as a football player, Lane transitioned into teaching in 1997, spending the 1997 and 1998 seasons as a student assistant coach under Pat Hill at Fresno State. Before Kiffin took his first job as head coach of the Oakland Raiders in 2007, he held a variety of positions at Colorado State, Jacksonville Jaguars, and USC.

The choice to name 31-year-old Lane Kiffin the Raiders’ youngest head coach in January 2007 highlighted Kiffin’s coaching abilities.After taking on head coaching positions at USC, Florida Atlantic, Tennessee, and Ole Miss, Lane was named at Ole Miss in 2020. As of this writing, he remains in that role.

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